
Sep 27 at 06:32 PM

Hi Martin,

We are working with a professional goalkeeper coach on the practices and are looking to start uploading during October.


Nir Danon Hi, we cannot make all of the content downloadable. We have to protect against people copying all our content to use on other platforms. 

Sep 04 at 11:52 AM


Hi Adrian,

It's difficult to effectively convey your ideas in just two sessions. For us, it's more important to focus on the key messages within your sessions and to maintain consistency with your identity.

The 21/90 rule comes to mind: It takes 21 days to form a habit and 90 days to make it a part of your routine.

When it comes to sessions, our advice is to gather or develop a set of core practices that can be applied across all phases. This will help you become more familiar and consistent with your work.

If you review our sessions, you should start to see the consistency in the languages, which should give you some ideas.


ADRIAN SIMION DOLHA PFA 45798825 The Red Bull methodology covers 72 concepts. Introducing them to all may overload them. I would focus on the ones we have on the site. To create a habit, you must consistently reinforce the coaching points and methods. Counter-pressing can't be implemented within one or two practices; it has to become part of daily coaching. 

When introducing a specific theme, use all of the tools available. Handouts, animations, practices, and video analysis are all useful if you have them. 

ADRIAN SIMION DOLHA PFA 45798825 Offensive football can cover any game phase: in-possession for apparent reasons, out-of-possession and the style of press, defensive transition including counter-pressing, and attacking transition with a counter-attacking style.

The top managers cover all of them. Slot, for example from yesterday against Man United showed strong build up play (in possession), high pressing (out of possession), counter pressing (defensive transition) and all three goals were scored on the attacking transition. These are all part of offensive football.

Our advice would be to concentrate on one of the above initially. Some practices will overlap (high press to counter-attacking, for example). All of our practices can be tailored to your group. It's difficult to pick one or two practices due to the unknown nature of the players. 

Do you have a specific playing style in mind?


Aug 30 at 11:37 AM

Join coaches worldwide to discuss the practices that we have in our library. 


Aug 30 at 11:36 AM

If there is a practice related to a phase of the game that you would like to see animated, then drop it in here, and we will see if we can produce it.



Aug 30 at 11:26 AM

The live game chat will feature a televised game, during which coaches can observe and comment on tactical elements of the game. 


Aug 30 at 11:22 AM

The community allows our members to share their coaching thoughts, ideas and experiences and collaborate with other coaches worldwide. 

Our community code of conduct is shared above. Please respect these rules.Â